Syntax Conversion.

Jun 4 2010 12:34 PM
what's the vb.Net counterpart of the following blocks in Csharp?

 public class NullableDateTimePicker : System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePicker
// Default Constructor
public NullableDateTimePicker() : base()
base.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
NullValue = " ";
Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
CustomFormat = "dd MMM yyyy";

this.DataBindings.CollectionChanged += new CollectionChangeEventHandler(DataBindings_CollectionChanged);

 //NullableDateTimePicker is the class from which DateTimePickerEditingControl class inherits.
//IDataGridViewEditingControl is the interface which DateTimePickerEditingControl class implements.
class DateTimePickerEditingControl : NullableDateTimePicker, IDataGridViewEditingControl
public DateTimePickerEditingControl()
this.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
this.CustomFormat = "dd MMM yyyy";

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