Kabir Patel

Kabir Patel

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Storing multiple values from a checked listbox

Apr 27 2007 10:16 AM


I am developing a desktop application that contains a form and a user control. The user control contains a checked listbox, a heading and a link.

End users select countries from the checked list box and then press the link to move to the next screen.

On the next screen the user control is reloaded with a different set of countries. Again, end users select Countries. This happens 4 times. End users can also move back to a previous screen.

I would like to know what the best way is to save the selected countries for each screen. I was considering saving the information in a database, but this would be inefficient as the user may press the back button to move to a previous screen and chnage their selected list.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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