Manoj Bisht

Manoj Bisht

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Stop Popup window

Jun 19 2009 3:47 AM

Hello Friends,
I've a DataList in this DataList i've a Div onclick this Div a popup window opens. And also this div holds some Labelsto display the data and a Button onclick this button a Image Ur is displayed.
But the problem is as i click on this Button, Image Url is displayed but a popup windowis also opened. But i want if i click on Button only ImageUrl is to be displayed otherwise popup window should be opened
Here is my code
<asp:LabelID="lblID"runat="server"Text='<%#Eval("ID") %>'></asp:Label>
<asp:LabelID="lblAlternateText"runat="server"Text='<%#Eval("AlternateText") %>'></asp:Label>
<asp:ButtonID="cmdShow"CommandName="Show"runat="server"Text="Show Image Url"/>
<asp:LabelID="lblImageUrl"Visible="false"runat="server"Text='<%#Eval("ImageUrl") %>'></asp:Label>