narasiman rao

narasiman rao

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showing the output using sql server

May 15 2013 10:21 AM

  select f.bfid,f.bthid,b.class,b.bthno from bthfac f,batch b where month(b.examdate)= 9
    and year(b.examdate)= 2011 and b.bthid = f.bthid and f.facid = '4,6,9';

  when i execute the above query output as follows;

  bfid  bfid    Class     Bthno
  18    18    AFF       BAFFTEST

select r.rate,f.bfid,f.bthid,b.class,b.bthno from bthfac f,batch b,facfeedback r where month(b.examdate)= 9
    and year(b.examdate)= 2011 and b.bthid = f.bthid  and r.bfid = f.bfid and f.facid = '4,6,9';



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