Server/Database problem

Mar 27 2005 4:17 PM
I have a problem where for some reason my database isnt working within my server. This is my main function: static void Main ( string [ ] args ) { server.start ( PORT, MAXCONNECTIONS ); // Let the program quit when they press enter Console.WriteLine ( "Press Enter to exit" ); Console.ReadLine ( ); Console.WriteLine ( "Server finished." ); // Stop the server server.stop ( true ); } The server class I write is a basic socket server that listens for connections. Now my problem is that once my server starts up I cannot open the database (OleDb). such as: OleDbConnection dbCon = new OleDbConnection ( ); I setup my connection string then try to: dbCon.Open ( ); But as I said before.. this does not work once the server has stared. And I have no clue why :S. If anyone could help me with this it would be greatly appreacheated. Thanks.

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