Manoj Bisht

Manoj Bisht

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Sending Mail

Sep 25 2007 9:17 AM

Hello Everyone,

I want to send the email through my ASP.NET project. And it's working at localhost when i'm taking the SMTP Server as ""  but  when i'm uploading this project on server it's throwing me an error "could not access cdo.Message object" . still i've taken my SMTPServer not as "127.0.01" but still it's throwing an error 

i'm giving the url of the page where this problem is being raised....

in this page an auto-response is generated when a client makes an enquiry at his/her email 



MailMessage mail1=new MailMessage();


mail1.From="[email protected]";

mail1.Subject="Auto Responder";



mail1.Body="Thanks for the Enquiry "+"<br/>"+"We'll get you soon"+"<br/>"+"------------------"+"<br/>"+"Thanks & Regards"+"<br/>"+"Priveejets Team";

SmtpMail.SmtpServer="";   or other not shown here



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