Security issue when running a winform program on a network share

Apr 24 2006 7:38 AM

I'm developing a small program that reads a .csv file and minipulates it a little and then is to save it back to the same location again.

The problem is that I need this program to reside on a windows network share so all the users on the company can access it easily. The problem is that even though the users have read/write priviliges to the folders needed, the C# .NET program don't. Is there some way to get around this problem, either using some setting in .NET or to launch a 3rd party program that you can use to write the file with.

The .csv file is located on a network share also.

I'm failing to find a solution that's acceptable, and I don't want to have to get C++ or something and write a different program just to get around the security issues .NET has.

Thanks in advance and hope someone can help me.


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