Phlipp Geyer

Phlipp Geyer

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Search in directory

Apr 13 2012 8:44 AM
Sorry about my English :)

I search a word from textbox1 in a directory. When i type for example "c" in my textbox1, a listbox shows me all entries that begin with c. (Computer, Control Panel, etc..) What can I do that this listbox shows me all other entries where the letter c is included. (e.g.: abc, helloc,...)

I hope you understand my problem :)

This is my Code:

                string test;
                test = textBox1.Text.ToString();
                string[] dirs = Directory.GetFiles(@"c:\", test + "*");
                foreach (string dir in dirs)

            catch (Exception)

Thank you, Philipp

EDIT: I've got it :) 

string[] dirs = Directory.GetFiles(@"c:\","*" + test + "*");

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