anurag guhe

anurag guhe

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saw msg in txtbox if data not present after select frm combo

Jul 26 2016 10:03 AM
hi guys i am developing windows form & in that form 2 combobxes 3 textboxes are present 1st combobox is for emp_id & 2nd combobox for sal_month which are retriving sucessfully data from sql on page load, after selecting id from combobox it gives name  in 1st-textbox and from selecting month from 2nd combobox it also gives advanced and fine in 2ndtextbox & in 3rd textbox but 
now problem is that my some employee doesnot taken either advance or fine or both in selected month then it will show message in textbox 2nd or 3rd that like "employee doesnot take advanced / fine" how i can achive this task 

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