narasiman man

narasiman man

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salary amount to be calculated

Jul 10 2012 4:04 AM

 days                      textbox1  calendarimage (what month i choose that a partiuclat day will be displayed in the textbox1)

 excludesunday         textbox2  (exclude sunday reaming days to be displayed in the textbox2)                     26

 salary       textbox3   textbox4   

on textbox3 changed i write the following code
double days = textbox1.text;
double sundays = textbox2.text;
textbox4.text = convert. double (textbox3.text / days * sundays);

when i run

i get the follwing errors

cannot implicity convert type string to int;
opertor / cannot be applied to operands of type and double

please send the me.

Answers (1)