RichtextBox link color - URGENT

May 23 2006 7:20 AM

 I can't change the link color in my richtext box. I'm using rtf syntax to create link.
 My code is as follows : 
      string clrTable="{\\colorTbl;\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red255\\green212\\blue123;\\red121\\green30\\blue122;}";
      richTextBox1.rtf = @"{ rtf1\ansi\ "+clrTable+" \\cf1 \\cf2 \\v ftp:\\v0Help \\cf1}";

 Here, "ftp:" is used to create "Help" as the link. But link color is always blue when I'm using the tag "ftp:".

 Is there any other way to change link color in Richtextbox in C# application ?
 Please help... Thank You,