Virgil Bevans

Virgil Bevans

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returning a value from a method

Jan 26 2016 9:01 PM
I am confused about my inability to return a value from a method.  Both the calling method and the returning method are in the same form class definition.  Following is a simplified example of my code.
public class frmMain:Form
     public frmMain()
     private void getGreetingToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
          string greeting = getGreeting()
          // some further processing such as display greeting to console
     private string getGreeting()
          return "Hello"
When  I run the form the variable "greeting" is null before and after execution of the method "getGreeting()".  Near as I understand them, the dot Net help files indicate this should work; ditto for the examples I've found here and other help sites.  What am I overlooking?  Thanks.

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