Request.Form is Zero?

Jun 9 2004 7:00 AM
I have a problem where I'm sending post data but it doesn't seem to be reaching the destination (or at least it appears that way). I'm trying to post "postData" which is of the form "name1=value1&name2=value2" etc, but on the server side when I do Request.Form.Count it gives back a zero? I'm taking this to mean there is no data? Any ideas or suggestions? Am I not accessing the post data correctly on the server side? The code is below --------------------------------------------------------- //Client side WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.Headers.Add("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); byte[] postByteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postData); client.UploadData("",postByteArray); --------------------------------------------------------- and on the server side I have Request.Form.Count; // THIS RETURNS ZERO

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