sheraz khan

sheraz khan

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Render Header/Footer when Converting PDF to DOC & Hide Stamp

Feb 12 2013 3:00 AM

What's New in this Release?

The latest version of Aspose.Pdf for .NET (7.7.0) has been released. In this release, we have introduced new and useful features such as rendering text as text rather than graphic objects when printing documents. It makes the printing feature more viable and robust when it comes to the usage of the Document as well as PdfViewer classes. One of the new features regarding document conversion is rendering headers and footers as Microsoft Word headers and footers when converting PDFs to DOCs. In this release, we also support many classes including Table, Row, Cell, MarginInfo, BorderInfo etc. in the Aspose.Pdf namespace which were earlier in the Aspose.Pdf.Generator namespace. These changes let you add table objects to existing features. You can also add a table into the header and footer sections of existing PDF files. Prior to the release of Aspose.Pdf for .NET 7.7.0, we only supported adding JavaScript to document actions. With this release, you can add JavaScript against page actions. To accomplish this, we've implemented the PageActionCollection. Aspose team has also made many improvements in terms of performance, XPS to PDF, HTML to PDF, PDF to image rendering, PDF concatenation and much more. This release includes plenty of new and improved features as listed below

·         PDF to Word does not treat header and footer as Word Header and Footer

·         Specify Minimum Height for Row

·         Adding Table in Footer of Existing PDF file

·         Render text as a text, but not vector graphics

·         Add Javascript to Page Action

·         Allow to Hide a Stamp in a PDF file

·         XPS to PDF conversion is slow

·         Add PDF Header Performance Issue

·         ReplaceImage does not work with 1 GB Large file is now fixed

·         Producer field is showing incorrect product version

·         Output in resultant Image is now corrected

·         Meta information set by Aspose.Pdf is now searchable by Sharepoint indexer

·         Problem converting rotated PDFs to JPEG images is resolved

·         Color change in image objects when converting it into PDF is fixed

·         During PDF concatenation, attachments lost is fixed

·         Form field font is being displayed as Times Roman

·         TextInfo seems to be ignored on a Text when IsHtmlTagSupported is true

·         SVG image is now properly appearing when added to PDF document

·         Now can add Watermark

·         Unable to embed font while creating PDF is now fixed

·         Size of PDF generated with Aspose.Pdf.Facades is larger as compare to Aspose.Pdf.Kit

·         Special characters issue in PDF form fields

·         Logo (image) appears upside down, backcolor changed (from red to blue) is fixed

·         Table cell contents are not automatically being cropped when contents exceed the cell width is now fixed

·         Form fields become un-editable when concatenating PDF forms is fixed

·         Bold text created with Aspose.Pdf is much bolder as compare to the output of MS Word

·         Missing Chinese characters when writing text into a PDF is fixed

·         Losing layers on PDF files when concatenating is fixed

·         Missing parts of image when exporting from layered PDF to JPG is resolved

·         Font is not being honored during HTML to PDF conversion is fixed

·         Image is now properly shown while converting PDF to JPEG

·         Fonts now preserved when printing PDF (to PostScript)

·         Text inside PDF is printed as Vector graphic rather than text

·         When printing the PDF to XPS, there is font rendering issue as compare to Acrobat is now resolved

·         The bullets in the un-ordered list are over sized

·         During HTML to PDF conversion, text appears big in resultant file is fixed

·         Problem getting positions for individual characters is resolved

·         Underline missing in 180 degree rotated Text is fixed

·         Page contents are overlapping in resultant image file

·         Dropped characters when extracting text from a PDF

·         Unable to add MetaData information in PDF file is now fixed

·         Unable to read Metadata information is now fixed

·         Black image when converting PDF to TIFF is fixed

·         Signature Fields are now showing Signatures with v7.5

·         Now Can open Merged PDF in Adobe Reader 8.0

·         PDF to XPS conversion is now properly rendering the image

·         PDF to Jpeg Header Text is coming together (Spaces are ignore between words)

·         Missing contents in the generated JPEG file is fixed

·         Blank image file generated while PDF to JPEG conversion is fixed

·         Problem concatenating PDF files is resolved

·         PDF to XML now exporting all fields of filled form

·         Stamping PDF file sometimes doubles the file size is now fixed

·         Multiline fields loose formatting by Pages.Add function is resolved

·         Image hyperlink is now properly appearing in PDF file

·         Unable to post data to webservice/website when submit button contains JavaScript is now fixed

·         Problem while filling form field values is resolved

·         Bookmarks not getting copied when merging PDF is now fixed

·         Missing Spaces issue is resolved in Pdf to Html conversion

·         PDF Concatenation: Resultant PDF does not open to first page is fixed

·         Unable to get link count is now fixed

·         HTML to PDF conversion - Bookmark Issue is resolved

·         HTML to PDF conversion - missing image is fixed

·         Now can extract metadata through

·         Comb of character option loses after updating textbox value

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release.

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Pdf for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Pdf for performing different tasks like the followings.

-  Optimize PDF Document for the Web:

- Adding Text in Footer of PDF File:   

Overview: Aspose.Pdf for .NET

Aspose.Pdf is a .Net Pdf component for the creation and manipulation of Pdf documents without using Adobe Acrobat. Create PDF by API, XML templates & XSL-FO files. It supports form field creation, PDF compression options, table creation & manipulation, graph objects, extensive hyperlink functionality, extended security controls, custom font handling, add or remove bookmarks; TOC; attachments & annotations; import or export PDF form data and many more. Also convert HTML, XSL-FO and MS WORD to PDF.

More about Aspose.Pdf for .NET

- Homepage of Aspose.Pdf for .NET:

- Online Demo for Aspose.Pdf for .NET at:

- Download Aspose.Pdf for .NET at:

- Read online documentation of Aspose.Pdf for .NET at:

- Post your technical questions/queries to Aspose.Pdf for .NET Forum:

- Receive notifications about latest news and supported features by subscribing to Aspose.Pdf for .NET blog at:

Contact Information

Aspose Pty Ltd, Suite 163,

79 Longueville Road

Lane Cove, NSW, 2066


[email protected]

Phone: 888.277.6734

Fax: 866.810.9465

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