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Remoting ADO Recordset

Mar 10 2005 3:04 AM
Hi all, I am new here I want to query the database using ADO in the app server and bring that recordset object to classic asp page in the web server(direct connection is not permitted) I uses remoting and when I test with a .Net client it work fine but, when I create a com in C# and try to access the recordset I am getting and error "Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'fields' " this is the asp code dim c1,rs set cl = server.CreateObject("adoComClient.ComClient") 'rs is a ADODB Recordset set rs = cl.CRecordSet("select name from tt") Response.write(rs.fields("name")) rs.close() please let me know what may be wrong and what could be the best Rgds Nouffer