Navneet Rana

Navneet Rana

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Register COM interop

Feb 25 2014 12:48 PM
Hello to All,

This is my very first time building an application which requires registering COM interop. The output of this application should be a library so as to load it into a different XYZ application that has COM scripting ability.The problem I am facing is the application I built works fine on my machine that has Visual Studio 2012(checking Register COM interop) But when I try it on a different machine, it wont properly in the XYZ application.After a lot of research and trying installShield installer , I have concluded that maybe I am missing something in my code.I was under the impression, that just declaring COMvisible to true and GUID attribute is enough.But I am surely missing something about the interface.I will really appreciate is someone can help me with a step by step tutorial for the same.
Below is what I am doing currently.

1) create a class library project and add the following code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Ivi.Visa.Interop;

namespace UsbLibraryCls


public class ComUsb
ResourceManager rMgr = new ResourceManager();
FormattedIO488 src = new FormattedIO488();
object resources = null;

public string OutputResources()
resources = rMgr.FindRsrc("USB[0-9]*::?*");
string[] resource_list = (string[])resources;
string allResources = String.Join(";", resource_list);
return allResources;

Here I add the VISA COM 3.0 library as a reference.
2) Create a console application:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UsbLibraryCls;

namespace UsbLibConsole
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ComUsb Usb = new ComUsb();
3) Both the projects are have x86 platform. And I check mark for "Register COM interop"
4) The library loads into the registery and I load this into the XYZ library by calling its ProgID.
And it works fine.
But When I try this on a any other target machine without VS with the same configurations as my laptop that has VS, the library loads into the registery but when i load it into the XYZ application it does not work.
I load it on the target machine by using RegAsm "fullpath\abc.dll" /tlb: abc.tlb /codebase.
I can say I have almost tried all the solutions I could find online. But I am missing some important detail.
All I want is when I call the OutputResources() function from the XYZ application. It should return a string with all the USB devices connected to the machine.
The code is barely 10 lines but I have spent more than a week trying this.
I am waiting on delivery of Install Sheild so have not tried that yet. But I created  the .msi package
  using advanced installer and installed it on target machine and still wont work. 
I really would appreciate if anyone could point out where I am going wrong.

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