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Recently released version of .NET security app - Visual Guard 5

Sep 28 2012 12:51 PM
This new version makes the implementation of security in .NET applications more adaptable to users while maintaining a very robust solution.
Visual Guard   (VG) is a flexible modular "all in one" solution, which proposes to combine authentication and user permissions (centralized management console, management of user roles and permissions without writing code, web console audit apps, etc..).  Visual Guard is particularly suitable for SaaS and Multitenants environments.
This release includes a number of new key features:
· A new mode of communication that enables support for Microsoft Azure.
· A module that allows you to implement new types of identification such as fingerprint recognition.
· A more user friendly administration system .
· Support for IIS integrated mode.
· The integration of PowerBuilder applications.

Try an evaluation version here.

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