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ReadLine TextBox

Dec 4 2004 1:56 AM
I want a RichTextBox to behave like a console window and read a line. This is my first try at threads so it didn't work and skips the method. Should I not use a thread? bool READING = false; string READ_str; public string RL() { READ_str = ""; READING = true; ThreadStart w1 = new ThreadStart(Loop_th); Thread t1 = new Thread(w1); t1.Start(); return READ_str; } public void Loop_th() { while (READING) { Debug.WriteLine("READING: " + READING.ToString()); if (!READING) break; } } private void m_textbox_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (READING) { string read_ch = e.KeyValue.ToString(); c.w("Read: " + read_ch + ", " + e.KeyCode.ToString()); if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { c.w("Pressed enter"); READING = false; } else { READ_str += read_ch; c.w("Readstr: " + READ_str); } } }

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