problems with dynamically created radiobuttonlist

May 10 2006 5:16 AM
Dear All, I have to problems regarding radiobuttonlists. 1) How can i position a radiobuttonlist on screen dynamically? 2) How can i get the selectedIndexChanged of the dynamically generated radiobuttonlist? Here is my present code to generate the radiobuttonlists:- private void Add_More_Rooms() { int iRoomNo = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["AddRooms"]); iRoomNo ++; ViewState["AddRooms"] = iRoomNo; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(""); sb.Append("  "); phMoreRooms.ID = "phMoreRooms" + iRoomNo; phMoreRooms.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(sb.ToString())); //create dynmic radiobuttonlist RadioButtonList rdoMoreRooms = new RadioButtonList(); //get the first word before the space rdoMoreRooms.ID = "rdoMoreRooms" + iRoomNo; rdoMoreRooms.CssClass = "label"; rdoMoreRooms.AutoPostBack = true; //rdoMoreRooms.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.radioButton_Check_Changed); rdoMoreRooms.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal; rdoMoreRooms.Items.Add(new ListItem("Double", "Double")); rdoMoreRooms.Items.Add(new ListItem("Twin", "Twin")); rdoMoreRooms.Items.Add(new ListItem("Single", "Single")); rdoMoreRooms.Items.Add(new ListItem("Triple", "Triple")); phMoreRooms.Controls.Add(rdoMoreRooms); phMoreRooms.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("

")); } Thanks for all your help and time Johann