Problems executing external application (.exe) using Windows service

Jun 19 2006 7:48 AM
i am gaurav from bangalore
i have one problem ,can u please help me out.
i  have one windows application and one windows service.
 from windows application i have to call one process "gpg" to encrypt my text file so i use
system.Diagnostics.process class to make new process.
my code is like this
Process processEncryption = new Process();
processEncryption.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = @"c:\Gnu\GNUPg";
processEncryption.StartInfo.FileName = "gpg";
processEncryption.StartInfo.Arguments = @" -o " + "\"" + path + fileName + "\"" + " --passphrase " + passphrase + " -d " + "\"" + path + fileName + ".gpg" + "\"";
this code work fine if i use this code in windows application
but it does not work at all in windows service .code runs  comepletely but does not produce any output "
it seems that this code is not able to start process "gpg" if we run in windows service.
can u help me
thanx in advance

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