problem running my site in remote

Oct 5 2007 5:49 AM


I have made a web application using ASP.Net 2.0 and MSSQL 2005.Well..I am really confused as to where I am wrong.I have my site running in my PC and in my LAN.But I have to send the site via FTP to some remote machine.I did it.I uploaded it unto some folder in their desktop.But it doesnt run there.It shud run when it is typed in the browser like http://remotecompterIP//sitename//aliasname//Default.aspx.

I have uploaded the precompiled files..published files that is.and another thing i have alos created a virtual directory .Does it matter?

However,I also tried doing it without the virtual directory.It shud go like http://remotecomputerIP//sitename//Default.aspx.

But this did not work either.

Should I upload the files into their wwwroot?is it necessary?

Any ideas??Plz help

