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Problem in adding different CellType in single column in DataGridView Control ..

Dec 18 2007 7:16 AM
    Hello all, I am Using One grid  with Three column and I want to add Diffrent Cell type in Same Column.. I can display properly with the error. code is as bel;ow..

            dgvUserSettings.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value = "User :";
            dgvUserSettings.Rows[1].Cells[0].Value = "Level :";
            dgvUserSettings.Rows[2].Cells[0].Value = "Authority:";
            dgvUserSettings.Rows[3].Cells[0].Value = "Enable PO :";
            dgvUserSettings.Rows[4].Cells[0].Value = "Unit Cost :";

           dgvUserSettings.Rows[0].Cells[1] = new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell();
           dgvUserSettings.Rows[1].Cells[1] = new DataGridViewComboBoxCell();
           dgvUserSettings.Rows[2].Cells[1]= new DataGridViewTextBoxCell();
           dgvUserSettings.Rows[3].Cells[1] = new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell();
           dgvUserSettings.Rows[4].Cells[1] = new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell();

It give the foolowing error..
"system.FormatException Formateed value of the cell has a wrong value type"

If anyone knows about it.. plz help..