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Postfix to Infix and showing steps to user

Jun 2 2010 12:05 PM
Hello. I have to write a code where the user writes in postfix and the program transforms to infix. But that is not the problem, the problem is that in every step of this transformation I have to show in console app every step of this transformation, so I'm guessing what went out and what was left in the stack, but I don't know how to do this.  Please any help will be greatly appreciated and I will kiss your feet :D  Sorry for the broken English (Serbian).

 using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Rpn
static void Main()
        char[] sp = new char[] { ' ',
'\t' };
        for (;; )
            string s =
            if (s == null) break;
tks = new Stack<string>
(tks.Count == 0) continue;
r = evalrpn(tks);
                if (tks.Count != 0) throw new
(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("error"); }

static double evalrpn(Stack<string> tks)
tk = tks.Pop();
        Console.WriteLine("sklad: " + tk);
x, y;
        if (!Double.TryParse(tk, out x))
= evalrpn(tks); x = evalrpn(tks);
            if (tk == "+")
+ " " + y);
                x += y;
if (tk == "-")
                Console.WriteLine(x +
" " + y);
                x -= y;
if (tk == "*")
                Console.WriteLine(x +
" " + y);
                x *= y;
if (tk == "/")
                Console.WriteLine(x +
" " + y);
                x /= y;
throw new Exception();
        return x;