jinith joseph

jinith joseph

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populating the content of div into dialog popup in MVC jquery

Apr 4 2011 6:34 AM

 I have a MVC 2 application and in the same, I want a popup dialog box to be displayed with content of a .ascx user control page on a click of hyperlink in user control which is a part of a page...

this is how i have it now.
in the main page i have :



dialogButtons[Labels.Common_OK] =



title: Labels.EngagementMatch_GFISEngagementMatchTitle,

height: 750,

width: 900,

buttons: dialogButtons


'#AddOrRemEngNumbers').click(function(e) {var $formContainerDiv = $("#GFISAddOrRemEngagement");var $dialog = $('#AddRemEngagement');var dialogButtons = new Object();function() { $("#AddRemEngagement").dialog('close'); };'AddRemEngagement',// dialog open end



'#AddRemEngagement').append($.get("/Engagement"));// click function end



=string.Concat("<a style='padding-top:10px;' href='javascript:void(0);'id='AddOrRemEngNumbers' >", Labels.EngInfo_AddOrRemoveOtherGFISNumbers.EncodeHtmlAttribute(), "</a>")%> <%--code modified for popup--%>


div id="GFISAddOrRemEngagement" >

<% Html.RenderPartial(

"~/Views/Engagement/EngagementData", Model); %>



The dialog box comes up, but the Data of the DIV is not gettin populated.. please help.. very urgent ! Thanks in advance !
"EngInfo", Model); %></div>

in this partial view I have :