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Piece of code analysis

Mar 1 2012 2:15 PM

Id like to know what this piece of code is doing please. My comments are next to each expression as to what I think is happening.
 // Resetting the generic type T and assigning to a  local variable t

T t = default(T);

// Assigning the ExecuteReader method to a local  variable named reader in order to get the result of the  command.
var reader = command.ExecuteReader();
// Whilst the reader variable is reading the rows.

if (reader.Read())
// Pass the reader variable to the make method and  assign it to t.

t = make(reader);
// return the value type t.

return t;

This is the Method signature declaration

public static T ReadList<T>(Func<IDataReader, T> make)

Answers (3)