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Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Jan 11 2016 3:50 AM

Hi i am trying to check whether my RadioButton is checked or not in a method.If checked execute some code else execute another code.

But when i debug it I am getting this error

Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I have gone through many links but not able to correct it.

Below is my .aspx.cs code

public static string[] GetArea(string prefixText, int count)
     RadioButton rb1 = RadioButton2;
         if (rb1.Checked == true)
                 //execute some code
               //return some value;
              //execute some other code
             //return some value;
RadioButton2 is defined in my .aspx page
<asp:RadioButton ID="RadioButton2" CssClass="radio-button-style" runat="server" GroupName="list" Text="Chemist" ToolTip="SEARCH" />
I am getting error at this line
if (rb1.Checked == true)
Please help.Thankyou 

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