Anusorn W

Anusorn W

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New Bitmap: ArgumentException was unhandled Parameter is not valid

Jul 16 2011 8:59 PM
Dear Sir,

  I just try to write very simple code to create Bitmap file 

  "Bitmap b = new Bitmap (16500, 12500, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);"

  But I got Error Message "ArgumentException was Unhandled.  Parameter is not valid"
  My PC got 2 GB Ram and at the time it still available for 1.2 GB.  From above image size,
it should use only 16500*12500*3 = 618,750,000 byte.  
   I don't know what it's wrong. Or it have such limitation on this syntax.
   Please kindly help to advice.

Anusron W.

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