.NET RunTime 2.0 Error

Aug 6 2007 10:33 AM

One of my users is having an issue with an ftpclient I created.  We install the software and when he runs it we get an error in the eventviewer that states "EventType clr20r3, P1 ftpclient.exe, P2, P3 45e6df40, P4 system, P5, P6 4333ae87, P7 2c20, P8 71, P9 system.net.sockets.socket, P10 NIL."  Source = .NET Runtime 2.0 Error, Category = None, Event ID = 5000.  The user states that the computer does not contain any anti-virus and the firewall is open up for the program.  We had him uninstall and reinstall .NET 2.0 and he still gets this error.  ANy ideas. 


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