.Net Crystal Report Parameter Problems

Oct 3 2006 7:19 AM

Hi everyone,


Before I start, I would like to give thanks in advance for your help so far, it been greate…


Now then, I have a C# windows app. which includes a Crystal report control with the following code behide…


ReportDocument rpt = new ReportDocument();


string ReportPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Crystal:ReportDirectory"].ToString();

ReportPath = Path.Combine(ReportPath, cboReportList.SelectedItem.ToString() + ".rpt");




rpt.SetDatabaseLogon(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Crystal:ConnUserID"].ToString(), System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Crystal:ConnPassword"].ToString(), System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Crystal:ConnSource"].ToString(), System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Crystal:ConnDatabase"].ToString());


My report has been setup using Crystal Reports 9 and the report uses a SQL strored procedure which takes one parameter of type string.


Now the problem than I’m experiencing is that when the reports opens, it prompts for a “Discrete Value” (…because it’s not being passed programmatically) and when you enter the value a BLANK REPORT displays.


It’s as if .Net h as a problem passing the parameter thru to the Crystal report.


I have tried the following,


Generating the report within Crystal 9 and passing the parameter – works fine

Removing the parameter, and then opening it from .Net – works fine,

Passing the parameter programmatically – Not so fine!!!

Entering the parameter when the .Net report prompts – Not so fine!!!


Any ideas???


Thanks again

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