Hareesh Bollepalli

Hareesh Bollepalli

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need to come red color for error message c#(MVC 2)

Jan 1 2015 2:38 AM
hello all ,
      Here i am doing display one error Message like "politisians should not be lazy" like below. so i am getting default fore color (black)of error Message . i need red color... 
default  =  politisians should not be lazy
need      = politisians should not be lazy 
               IndiaAssemblies.ForEach(delegate(Indiaassembly e)
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.politisians))
                                    throw new System.DataMisalignedException("politisians should not be lazy");
      catch (Exception ex)
               return RedirectToAction("Indiaparlement", "INDIA", new { somex = objindia.somex.ToString(),
                  Revision = objindia.Revision.ToString(), errormsg = ex.Message });

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