atilla guven

atilla guven

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Need stream without SSL

Jul 19 2012 8:53 AM
Hi, today I tried to write a web application that tried to read my inbox which's outgoing server is and outgoing port is 110.
When I tried these code
 TcpClient client = new TcpClient();
            SslStream sslstream = new SslStream(client.GetStream());

It is ok for gmail but when I change it the server and port for my business mail like that;

 TcpClient client = new TcpClient();
            SslStream sslstream = new SslStream(client.GetStream());

But when I try to use it, I get an error about handshaking beacuse of the unexpected package sslstream.AuthenticateAsClient(""); at this line
and also I know that Web site does not use SSL. Is there anyway to convert that without using outlook or any other programs. Thnx for your interest.