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Need quey help urgent

Jan 31 2012 8:07 PM
I have one table student, i.e stdnt_id,stdnt_name,stdnt_activity
i have values in student table like this.
stdnt_id       stdnt_name        stdnt_activity
1              kiran             5
1              kiran             10
1              kiran             15
2              sachin            5
2              sachin            10
3              venkat            5
3              venkat            10
3              venkat            15
4              kumar             5
4              kumar             10
5              naveen            5
5              naveen            10

Here stdnt_activity 5 mean -> Pending , 10 -> Inprogress, 15 means -> Closed

So, i want a query to dispaly the values of student table based on cndition.
the condition is for example:

The student kiran having stdnt_activity 5,10,15 where as sachin having stdnt_activity 5,10.

I need a query do diaplay all student records in a table which is having stdnt_activity 5,10 and not 15.

If student have stdnt_activity 5,10,15...we don't need to display to the user .

if student have stdnt_activity 5,10 then we need to display the values.

By above example i only need to diaplay the values of sachin,kumar, naveen (these student's doen's have 15).

while students kiran,venkat will have 5,10,15 these records need to be ignored(no need to diaplay).

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