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multiple select statements

Nov 5 2012 7:13 AM

my stored procedure is

select count(TaskId) as tasks from Task T,Provider P  where P.UserId=T.UserId  and T.permissions='False' and T.State='Close' and T.Assignedto=@Assignedto

select count(TaskId) as tasks1 from Task T,Provider P where P.UserId=T.UserId  and T.Permissions='False' and T.State='Open' and T.Assignedto=@Assignedto
select count(TaskId) as tasks2 from Task T,Provider P where P.UserId=T.UserId  and T.Permissions='False' and T.State='Completed' and T.Assignedto=@Assignedto

it is working in sql. but when i am using it in services i am getting only tasks value.i can't get tasks1 and tasks2. where i am going i cant under stand. is there another way to write this stored procedure.
thanks in advance....

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