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MSIL interpreter written in C# for both Frameworks

Dec 9 2006 5:27 PM
This may seem like an odd request, but hear me out. ;-)

I'm looking for a MSIL interpreter written in C#, commercial or otherwise, ideally w/ source code available, that targets both the Full and Compact Framework.

The closest thing I've found is paxScript.Net, but it's script engine takes C# or VB.Net directly; not MSIL.  But it does have source and it does target both frameworks.  Close, but no cigar.

I have also found lots of MSIL interpreters, but usually they target non-Windows systems, and are written in C or C++.  Mono, Dynamo.Net, etc.

I'm suprised I couldn't find something like this, even if it was just an academia thing.  I feel as if Google has let me down. ;-)

Ryan Rogers