MS Access DB access problem in C#

Oct 23 2007 6:22 AM
Hello everybody,I m in new in C#. I gave password to my MS Access DB.Ms Access only requires password to set,it doesn't require user name.So I did it as they require.Now I made a very simple c# program which access the DB and retrieve some info.When I did it without giving the DB password,everything works well.But as I entered password in my DB,nothing works.This is supposed to be.Now,when I tried to add a new connection frm server explorer,firstly I set the name of the db provider,then next in the connection tab there are three fields-DB NAme,user name and password.Now that I know the DB name and the password I gave in my MS Access DB.But what to give in the user field?I didnt set any user name in my MS Access DB bcos it didnt require.If I set user name-"Admin", an error says-"cant group information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user". I closed all(every other program) Access Db during adding new connection.Would anybody tell me how to solve it. I think I shud set the password different way in access.

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