albert albert

albert albert

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Move up/down record with LINQ

Jul 4 2014 1:12 AM
Hi everybody,
I  have 2 buttons: UP and Down.
And if you press up , then the record has to goes up and for down - the record has to go down.
This is the ajax call: 
type: 'POST',
url:Medicijnverstrekking.baseUrl + '/Medicijn/MoveUp/',
dataType: 'json',
data:{Id: dataItem.Id},
success: function (result) {
//if (newIndex != index) {
//grid.dataSource.insert(newIndex, dataItem);
return false;
and this is the method in the controller:
public ActionResult MoveUP(int id /*MedicijnViewModel model, HttpPostedFileBase bijsluiter*/)
var medicijn = medicijnService.GetById(id);
Item item = medicijnService.GetById(id). medicijn.Id. .Items.Single(i => i.Id == id);
if (medicijn.Id > 0)
medicijn predecessor = Context.Items.Single(i => i.Index == medicijn.Id - 1);
item.Index -= 1;
predecessor.Index += 1;
return View();
Thank you for your help. 

Answers (2)