saravanan m

saravanan m

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Migration - Asp, Asp.Net 1.1 to 4.5, Tools & Best Practices

Mar 24 2015 9:15 AM
Set of Major Web Applications has to be migrated from legacy Microsoft technologies to latest .Net 4.5 Framework.

Class ASP (VB Script), Asp.Net 1.1 Framework applications has to be migrated to 4.5 Framework (Applications includes Website project type and Web application project types) 

Automated Tools or Best Practices are required for Analysis and Migration activities.

Analysis: The following details has to identified for each legacy applications 
(Asp (VBScript), Asp.Net 1.1, 2.0, 3.5) - No of classes, Methods, Lines of codes, DLL's & Third Party Libraries, Complexity, Level of Effort . Information about Tools that can generate the planning level information is required.

Migration: Tools recommended for migration, Best Practices from earlier migrations, any automated solutions, etc...

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