Glen Self

Glen Self

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Merging database code with autogenerated code

Jun 12 2008 2:12 PM
I have an app that I started by using the IDE to drop boxes onto a form and then bound them to the underlying database with dataadapters and binding sources. When I step through the records the fields (textboxes) change appropriately, but edits are not written to the database. The following code was generated by the IDE:

        public virtual int Update(orsDataSet2.ORS_ENTITIESDataTable dataTable) {
            return this.Adapter.Update(dataTable);
        public virtual int Update(orsDataSet2 dataSet) {
            return this.Adapter.Update(dataSet, "ORS_ENTITIES");
        public virtual int Update(global::System.Data.DataRow dataRow) {
            return this.Adapter.Update(new global::System.Data.DataRow[] {
        public virtual int Update(global::System.Data.DataRow[] dataRows) {
            return this.Adapter.Update(dataRows);

What do I need to add and where do I add it to have the data updated?

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