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MDI Child form interacting with its MDI Parents Controls - how?

Nov 23 2008 3:17 PM

I have a MDI Parent which has a Treeview of data loaded at form_load event.

Clicking certain nodes of this Treeview opens a child form named 'Companies'. In Companies I display a datagrid. Double clicking on rows should change the Treenode that is selected in my MDI Parent (the childs parent).

However, I am getting a System.StackOverflowException when I double click on a DataGridRow.

Here is the Event handler

private void dgCompanies_CellContentDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
   selectedCompany = dgCompanies.SelectedCells[0].Value.ToString().Trim();
   frmMain newFrmMain = (frmMain)this.MdiParent;

And here is JumpToCompany which is a public event in frmMain

public void JumpToCompany(string companyName)
   foreach (TreeNode treeNode in this.trvCompanyVesselList.Nodes)
      if (treeNode.Tag.ToString() == companyName)
         trvCompanyVesselList.SelectedNode = treeNode;
         foundIndex = true;
   catch (StackOverflowException se)

So, in a nutshell, can I interact with controls on a MDI Parent form, which is triggered by an event on a Child form?
