will motill

will motill

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List of stringbuilders from stringbuilder's lines

Apr 13 2014 5:58 PM
hi first post here
i am a little unsure of the code iv'e written as...
 im pretty noob with the stringbuilder class

my app will rely on as few gc collections as possible text can be a problem
but i have specific problem were
i need to pull appended lines from a stringbuilder object
put it into a list or array of stringbuilders
keep the original and modify the list elements lengths to shorten them

the real problem is im unsure if this is ok what im doing
or if there is a better way already

public static List<StringBuilder> StringBuilderSplit(StringBuilder sb_text)
  List<StringBuilder> sb_list = new List<StringBuilder>();
  sb_list.Add(new StringBuilder());
  char line_break_char = '\n';
  if (false == char.TryParse(Environment.NewLine, out line_break_char)) { line_break_char = '\n'; }
  int sbli = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < sb_text.Length; i++)
  if (sb_text[i].CompareTo(line_break_char) != 0)
  sb_list.Add(new StringBuilder());
  return sb_list;

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