vishal singh

vishal singh

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lable text not displaying as an expression

Sep 24 2016 6:26 AM
Hello Friend please solve this issue 
I have an autocomplete of city and when i choose once city from that i want to change anchor tab title attribute without postback
 for this i doing is on click i am assigning value in label that working perfect but when i  fetch that value using expression i am getting empty string
var ul=document.getElementById("statedrop");ul.onclick=function(a){var b=getEventTarget(a);$("#state").val(""),""==b.innerText?($("#state").val("Delhi"),$("#state").attr("placeholder","Delhi"),$('#lbl').text(Delhi),$(this).hide(),execute()):($('#lbl').text(b.innerText),$("#state").val(b.innerText),$("#state").attr("placeholder",b.innerText),$(this).hide(),execute())} 
<asp:Label ID="lbl" ClientIDMode="Static" runat="server"></asp:Label> 
<a href="/packers-and-movers/" id="a" title="Packers and Movers in <%=lbl.Text%>">Packers and Movers

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