karthik parcha

karthik parcha

  • NA
  • 153
  • 78.5k


Dec 14 2011 1:45 AM
This is my question :
For Vpsales there are some sales representatives are there so i have to write joins for that plz help me this is my query
plz help me or guide me

select  EmpId  from Employee where  Designation='VP Sales' //here iam getting empid  of one of the  vpsales i.e 'SBR' am placing this Empid in Empuser table
select UserUniqueid from EmpUser where EmpId='SBR'//placing this Empid in Empuser table
iam getting useruniqueid of that empid

select ProjID from SF_PROJECTEMP where UserUniqueId in(1473,1474,1475,4877,4879)//placing useruniqueid to fet ProjId
selectManagerId from SF_Project where ProjId=476//Placing ProjID in this table to get ManagerID
select  * from Employee where ManagerId='WAD'//placing ManagerID to get Designation of sales rep belongs to  VPsales

SO how to write Joins for this whole query plz help me or guide me

Answers (2)