Amit Ghorpade

Amit Ghorpade

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Javascrip CSS Print page change page size

Mar 22 2012 8:48 AM
I have one HTML page. My client want to print this page on Dot Metric printer.
And this print page is half of A4 size.
I want to start second print after ending last line of first page.
This first page take all first A4 page and it print half page and left blank half page and going to next page.
I want to start this second print from this blank space.
How to do this?
I tried this using CSS:
Collapse | Copy Code

    size: 10in 8in;
    margin-left: 0;
    margin-right: 0.5in;

but It didn't work.
I set the page size from CSS.
Please tell me if you have any other ideas.
Thanks in advance.

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