Manish Tewatia

Manish Tewatia

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InnerException Error, Plz help..

Aug 15 2010 11:50 AM
Hi Everyone,
Can you plz resolve the error of this code...?

HTML clipboard

Imports System

Imports System.IO


Public Class TestInnerException

    Shared Sub Main()



                Throw New ArgumentException()


            Catch e As ArgumentException

                'make sure this path does not exist

                If File.Exists("\Bigsky\log.txt") = False Then

                    Throw New FileNotFoundException("File Not found when trying to write argument exception to the file", e)

                End If

            End Try


        Catch e As Exception

            Console.WriteLine([String].Concat(e.StackTrace, e.Message))


            If e.InnerException(Nothing) Then

                Console.WriteLine("Inner Exception")

                Console.WriteLine([String].Concat(e.InnerException.StackTrace, e.InnerException.Message))

            End If

        End Try


    End Sub

End Class

Answers (2)