deep galley

deep galley

  • NA
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I'm having the different names with different provider how to identify it as a single name

Jun 20 2012 5:15 AM
Provider1: Baros Milan,
Provider1: Milan,
Provider3: Baros,
Provider4: Baros, M
Provider5: M, Baros

these are the names which are substituted and i need a common name for the provider using regx or any other

Please send me the feedback as soon as possible.

Thank You


i'm having 20 different providers and each provider supply a common name that we don't know based on their xml feed so we need make it as a common name how to find out the common name please send me the reply as soon as possible.
names like,
Alvaro Negredo,
Alvaro N,
Negredo Alvaro,
Negredo A
Negredo Alvaro M

so i need a common name like A.Alvaro like that i need to convert please send me reply as soon as possible

Thank you,

Answers (1)