Iqrar Ali

Iqrar Ali

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I want to deploy web service on IIS 7.5 with framework 4.6.1

Dec 22 2016 11:00 AM
I have created a web service in vs2013 that retrn sum of 2 numbers
  1. public class SampleWebService : System.Web.Services.WebService  
  2.    {  
  4.        [WebMethod]  
  5.        public int SumOfNums(int First, int Second)  
  6.        {  
  7.            return First + Second;  
  8.        }   
  9.    }  
and build it with framework 4.6.1. 
and now i deployed it on IIS 7.5 but it gets error
how to fix this error 

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