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I need to convert html table data to excel format

Aug 6 2013 2:57 PM
in Web application i have a table with 4 columns those are

1.College code
2.1st year
3.2nd year
4.3rd year
again in 1st,2nd,3rd years i have 3 columns in each column those are 
a) Admitted
b) Registered
c) Conformed

The data it should come from sql database of combining of 2 or 3 tables

 So now i want college code wise and year wise no.of admitted , registered ,conformed students

with paging option and at the same time i want to convert total data into excel format after getting results when click export to excel button

example like this

College code
1st year
2nd Year 3rd year




                                               Export to excel

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