I am trying to implement Authentication and Authorization using a custom HTTPModule.

Apr 8 2005 12:00 AM
I am trying to implement Authentication and Authorization using a custom HTTPModule. using System; using System.Web; namespace MyModule { public class MyModule : IHttpModule { public void Init(HttpApplication application) { application. AcquireRequestState += (new EventHandler(this.Application_AcquireRequestState)); } private void Application_AcquireRequestState (Object source, EventArgs e) { HttpApplication Application = (HttpApplication)source; User user=Application.Context.Sesseion["User"] ; string url=Application.Context.Request.Path; Module module= //how to write this?????????????// If(!RightChecker.HasRight(user,module)) Application.Context.Server.Transfer("ErrorPage.aspx"); } public void Dispose() { } } } thanks!!!