mel C

mel C

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How to update progress bar in a modal window?

Dec 2 2008 10:55 PM


I'm a novice in C#. I wrote a program to export data from datagridview. While exporting, a pop-up window with a progress bar will show the progress of file being written. On the main form, I wrote:

BackgroundWorker bgw = new BackgroundWorker();

bgw.DoWork += delegate
     //Code for exporting data

FrmProgress progress = new FrmProgress();

bgw.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate

The pop-up window showed up while exporting, but the progressbar on the modal window is not updated. I tried bgw.ReportProgress but getting an error. Probably I didn't use it correctly. How do I update the progressbar in modal window? Can anyone please help me with this?

Thanks in advance!


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