alfian abdi

alfian abdi

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How to solve Error 0x080040154 Class Not Registered?

Apr 2 2013 9:58 PM

I work with windows form application, which need some .dll file.

First time i finish it, build and run, it worked & is fine. (64 bit processor,64 bit Windows 7, Visual Studio 2012)

And then, i copy and paste entire project to other PC (64 bit processor, 32 bit Windows 8, Visual Studio 2012). I couldn't run it, there is error message "Class not registered, exception form HResult 0x080040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)"

I have tried solutions :

  1. change platform from anyCPU to x86, didn't work
  2. Put all .dll file to system32 folder, didn't work
  3. Tried to register class using regsvr32, but i got error message said that my .dll file : "was loaded but the entry point was not found"

And I can't even open my Form.cs[design] in Visual Studio,